Five damages of mobile phone on physical health

Although, the technology has positive effects on people life, but it can have damages that are due to the extra using of them. Because many children and teens also use this tool, so the recognizing these problems will certainly be necessary.
At below we will point to the most damage of mobile on the body that may not be considered:
1- Back pain: texting, email control, game, and generally using the mobile phone enter the 27 kg weighs, roughly equivalent to the weight of an 8-year-old child on the neck. When you look at the screen, the spine is bent by 60 degrees. This position causes to back pain in the short term and in the long run, wear beads and even require surgery.
2- Sleep Disorders: It is safe to say that today most people entertained in bed by using a mobile phone, tablet, etc., while this habit is damaging to the quality of sleep. Blue light that is emitted from screens, disrupt the produce melatonin, the peace hormone. This can disrupt the production of melatonin and sleep can disrupt the hormones associated with hunger control that potentially increases the risk of obesity and overweight. In fact, if these devices are set aside two hours before bedtime can benefit from a comfort and good sleep.
3- Skin damages: continuously looking at these screens cause to wrinkles. Staring at the small screens to watch pictures or write a long texts force people to keep one's position. This creates wrinkles, lines around the eyes and chin. Also the heat from the phone during the calls can create brown spots on the skin in the future.
4- Vision problems: Watch and constant attention to the screen may cause irritation to the eyes as well as headaches. Of course, in the scientific terms, screens do not directly weaken the eyes but extreme exhaustion can cause to such this problem.
5- Hands: when we use of mobile phone, hands gets also very stimulating. Today, many young users complaint the fingers tendonitis, especially the thumb that sometimes are associated with pain or difficulty in movement. Such these discomfort usually occurs in people 40 to 60 years old, but unfortunately today's teenagers are affected this.


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